ORM 相关

ORM 相关

考虑关系型数据库的表结构,文章和标签是多对多的关系,当我想要更新一篇文章的标签时,我需要对数据库做哪些读写操作?使用prisma 作为 ORM 有没有好的方式能帮助我快速地实现这个功能?请给出代码的最...

更新于 2023-09-20

考虑关系型数据库的表结构,文章和标签是多对多的关系,当我想要更新一篇文章的标签时,我需要对数据库做哪些读写操作?使用prisma 作为 ORM 有没有好的方式能帮助我快速地实现这个功能?请给出代码的最佳实践。

当使用 Prisma ORM 进行数据库操作时,可以通过以下步骤快速实现更新文章标签的功能:

  1. 定义数据库模型:假设在 Prisma 的数据模型文件中,按如下方式定义文章和标签的模型及它们之间的关系:
model Article {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
title String
content String
tags Tag[] @relation("ArticleTags", references: [id])
model Tag {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String @unique
articles Article[] @relation("ArticleTags")


const { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client');
const prisma = new PrismaClient();
async function updateArticleTags(articleId, newTags) {
const article = await prisma.article.findUnique({
where: { id: articleId },
include: { tags: true }, // 包含文章的标签信息
if (!article) {
throw new Error('Article not found');
// 获取当前文章的标签列表
const currentTags = article.tags.map((tag) => tag.name);
// 计算要添加和删除的标签
const tagsToAdd = newTags.filter((tag) => !currentTags.includes(tag));
const tagsToRemove = currentTags.filter((tag) => !newTags.includes(tag));
// 添加新的标签
await prisma.article.update({
where: { id: articleId },
data: {
tags: {
connectOrCreate: tagsToAdd.map((tag) => ({
where: { name: tag },
create: { name: tag },
// 删除旧的标签
await prisma.article.update({
where: { id: articleId },
data: {
tags: {
disconnect: tagsToRemove.map((tag) => ({ name: tag })),
// 返回更新后的文章信息
const updatedArticle = await prisma.article.findUnique({
where: { id: articleId },
include: { tags: true },
return updatedArticle;
// 使用示例
updateArticleTags(1, ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'])
.then((updatedArticle) => {
.catch((error) => {
.finally(() => {

在上述代码中,updateArticleTags 函数接受文章ID和新的标签列表作为参数。它首先查询数据库获取当前文章的标签列表,然后计算要添加和删除的标签,并使用 Prisma 提供的 update 方法执行更新操作。最后,它返回更新后的文章信息。

在上述示例中,Prisma ORM帮助我们屏蔽了关联表的细节。通过定义模型和关系,Prisma会自动生成适当的数据库表结构和关联关系。我们可以直接使用Prisma提供的查询和更新方法来操作这些关联关系,而不需要手动编写复杂的SQL语句。


sort by relation count

prisma select tags order by related articles count

To achieve the functionality of selecting tags and ordering them by the count of related articles using Prisma, you can utilize the orderBy clause in your Prisma query. Below, I will outline how to structure your query effectively, along with some relevant resources for further reading.

Example Prisma Query

Assuming you have a Tag model and a Post model where each tag can be associated with multiple posts (articles), you can write a query like this:

const tags = await prisma.tag.findMany({
orderBy: {
posts: {
_count: 'desc', // This orders the tags by the count of related posts in descending order
include: {
posts: true, // Optionally include related posts if needed


  • findMany: This method retrieves multiple records from the Tag model.
  • orderBy: This clause allows you to specify how the results should be sorted. In this case, we are sorting by the count of related posts.
  • _count: This is a special aggregation that counts the number of related records (in this case, posts associated with each tag).

Additional Considerations

  1. Filtering: If you need to filter the posts based on certain criteria (e.g., only published posts), you might need to adjust your query to include a where clause.
  2. Performance: Be mindful of performance when dealing with large datasets, as counting related records can be resource-intensive.

Resources for Further Reading

  • Prisma Documentation on Filtering and Sorting: This section provides detailed information on how to use the orderBy clause effectively. You can find it here 7.
  • GitHub Discussions on Related Queries: There are various discussions on GitHub regarding sorting by related object counts, which can provide insights into common issues and solutions. For example, see this GitHub issue 1.

Visual Aid

Here’s a visual representation of how the Prisma query structure looks:

Prisma Query Structure
Prisma Query Structure

This image illustrates a user interface for entering data, which can help conceptualize how to structure your queries in a more user-friendly manner.

By following the above guidelines, you should be able to effectively select tags and order them by the count of related articles in your Prisma application. If you have any specific scenarios or additional questions, feel free to ask!